Ronnie Flex

Vunzige Deuntjes

Saturday 23.08

Ronnie Flex – Ronell Langston Plasschaert – has become the artistically impressive, captivating, and outspoken figurehead of an incredibly successful generation of hip-hop artists. The unique, genre-blending performer has a consistent presence in the charts with his releases.

Multi-platinum mega-hits like ‘Energie’, ‘Drank & Drugs’, ‘Blijf Bij Mij’, and ‘Plek Als Dit’ dominated the charts for weeks, while tracks like ‘Alles Wat Ik Mis’, ‘501’, and ‘In De Schuur’ also performed exceptionally well. His second album ‘Rémi’ won an Edison Award for ‘Best Album’ and ‘Best Hiphop’, with the jury calling it ‘a modern masterpiece’.

He also broke the record for the most-streamed track in the Netherlands within a single day (650,000+ streams) with the song ‘Fan’. Together with his band ‘The Fam’, he tours across the Netherlands and Belgium.